Gain an in-depth understanding of Alpine environments during our intensive week-long residential field course in south-west Switzerland. During the course, you will collect significant amounts of field data focussed on one of four interconnected study themes spanning glaciology, soils, ecology and hydrology. The experience provides an inspiring foundation into the science and understanding of how these globally sensitive ecosystems are responding to change.
If you opt to take Study Abroad year, modules and field courses available for year 3 will be chosen from your host university. The fieldwork options available are subject to pre-requisites.
Available on the following degrees
- Geography BA Hons: L700
- Geography BSc Hons: F800
- Geography MArts Hons: L702
- Geography MSci Hons: 4R61
- Geography (Placement Year) BA Hons: L704
- Geography (Placement Year) BSc Hons: F803
- Geography (Study Abroad) BA Hons: L705
- Geography (Study Abroad) BSc Hons: F804
- Geography (Study Abroad) MArts Hons: L703
- Geography (Study Abroad) MSci Hons: 4R62
Physical Geography
- Physical Geography BSc Hons: F840
- Physical Geography MSci Hons: 4R63
- Physical Geography (Placement Year) BSc Hons: F841
- Physical Geography (Study Abroad) BSc Hons: F848
- Physical Geography (Study Abroad) MSci Hons: 4R64
Geography with other subjects
Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Earth and Environmental Science BSc Hons: FF68
- Earth and Environmental Science MSci Hons: 4R71
- Earth and Environmental Science (Placement Year) BSc Hons: FF78
- Earth and Environmental Science (Study Abroad) BSc Hons: FF7V