Dr Samuli Autti
Research Fellow/Lecturer
Pushing the boundaries of superfluid vacuum and coherence
01/05/2022 → 30/04/2027
S. Autti's Fellowship
01/01/2018 → 31/12/2019
Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2024: A quantum view of the invisible universe
Royal Society Summer Science 2014
Physical Review Applied (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Two-dimensional boundary superfluid at the edges of 3He-B
Invited talk
Nature Communications (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Science Advances (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Young Academy Finland (External organisation)
Membership of network
Journal of Low Temperature Physics (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Physical Review B (Journal)
Publication peer-review
UK Quantum Fluids Network (External organisation)
Membership of network
EPL (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Phys Rev Lett (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Scientific Reports (Journal)
Publication peer-review
Nicholas Kurti Science Prize 2023
Prize (including medals and awards)
Low Temperature Physics
Low Temperature Physics
Low Temperature Physics
- Low Temperature Physics