Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
As a new Department, we at Lancaster Chemistry are determined to break with outdated traditions and pursue new policies and approaches.
This ethos applies not only to our innovative degree programmes but to our policies on equality and diversity.
We pride ourselves on our ability to provide equal educational opportunities for all undergraduate and postgraduate students, regardless of their personal background. We promote equality in our workforce and celebrate diversity. We recognise the contributions of staff on all levels, whether academic, technical or administrative, to the overall success of the University.
By committing ourselves to clear guidelines, we are able to actively promote and celebrate the diverse and inclusive culture within our Department.
Tab Content: Undergraduate Students
We take great pride in all our students and we consistently aim to provide the best possible education, irrespective of your background, learning approaches or support needs.
We strive to exercise total impartiality in our admissions and assessment practices and go the extra mile in providing academic and pastoral support to our students.
Inclusive Teaching and Cultures
Our Department is relatively small, with a student to staff ratio to rival the best in the country. We are able to build a close rapport and take the time to cater to the individual needs of our students.
We use innovative ways of teaching chemistry and implementing teaching methods that are as inclusive of all our students. For example, we make teaching materials available on the Moodle site in advance and all lectures are recorded for viewing at a later date as revision materials or if you have to miss a session.
We utilise a combination of teaching and assessment approaches so that we can provide the very best education in chemistry for all of our students. Students with learning difficulties and disabilities are individually supported by our departmental Disability Officer and the University's Disability Service. We have consistently received excellent feedback from our students for the support they have received. Our staff are trained in transgender awareness issues and will provide close individual support to trans-students if required.
Are you interested in a research career?
All our students can pursue a career in chemical research, be it through a PhD or in industry. This is something you do not have to decide on until much later in your degree. You can meet with staff members to discover what opportunities are available to you. You will learn what skills you will need and how to go about applying.
Tab Content: Postgraduate Students
Our goal is to recruit and nurture talented research students from a broad range of backgrounds, paving the way to a diverse, inclusive and stimulating research environment.
Research Student Recruitment
As a successful research-intensive department, we strive to recruit the best possible postgraduate students in a professional, transparent and unbiased process.
Mentor Schemes
If you decide to apply for a research degree at our Department and receive an offer, you will be able to participate in a peer-mentor scheme. One of our current PhD students will be able to answer any queries you may have about studying at Lancaster in a confidential and informal manner throughout the application stage and during your research degree at Lancaster.
Additionally, we have a number of mentors who are researchers having recently gained a PhD. As such, you will be able to informally meet with a mentor of your choice at any point during the course of your research degree to discuss any matters relating to research, writing a thesis or planning your career.
Tab Content: Researchers
The research staff form a strong and vibrant community in our Department and play an integral role in driving the research agenda.
We encourage our researchers to take part in departmental activities of interest. We encourage researchers to take professional development opportunities so that they can achieve their career aspirations goals.
Concordat for Researchers
The Department has set out clear opportunities for researchers to enhance their skills by:
- directly participating in departmental research
- teaching and administration
- activities
- undertaking further personal and professional development
Tab Content: Staff
We strive to recruit and retain the most qualified staff, foster inclusive and family-friendly working practices, and enable individuals to reach their full potential by providing plentiful opportunities for personal and professional development.
Staff Recruitment
We are committed to ensuring a fair and transparent recruitment process of all our research, academic and professional support staff.
Tackling Unconscious Bias
To ensure objectivity and fairness in all decision-making, our staff actively tackle the issues surrounding unconscious bias, by which everyone is inadvertently affected.
New staff joining the Department receive a comprehensive induction on the workings of the Department and the University in order to have the best start to their career at Lancaster Chemistry.
Professional Development
We strongly support the professional and career development of our staff through teaching a learning enhancement, leadership and management training, researcher development, job skills development and personal effectiveness in work roles.
Family-Friendly Practice
We as a Department are committed to ensuring that all staff expecting a baby, or in the process of adopting a child are fully and practically supported before, during and after taking leave, enabling them to successfully manage and balance work and childcare commitments.
Flexible Working
Our Department maintains a culture that is supportive of a positive work-life balance and an enabling approach to flexible working.
We appreciate that staff are most productive when they have achieved a work-life balance that enables them to effectively meet their responsibilities outside of work, such as caring. It is therefore recognised that staff may want to occasionally work from home and the Department is fully supportive in such circumstances.