Debut album inspired by Lancaster MBA experience

Adrian "Frank" Ford

05 June 2014

The Lancaster MBA has helped take Adrian ‘Frank’ Ford (MBA 2009) in an exciting new direction with the release of his debut album.

‘White Light 1.0’ is a piano solo concept studio album, with all eight tracks written by Frank himself, and its roots were firmly established during his time at Lancaster.

“The length and breadth of the MBA experience gave me the confidence to diversify into other industry sectors,” explains Frank, “Even one as challenging and high risk as the music industry.

“The New Venture Challenge module of the course helped cultivate the budding entrepreneur in me, gaining a great understanding of the process of following an idea through to a finished product.  Also learning from the creativity components greatly assisted the writing process.”

Indeed, it was the Lancaster summer university at the Wirtschaftsuniversität (WU) Vienna in 2009 – one of the MBA's Study Abroad schemes – which rekindled Frank’s interest in musical composition.

“I hadn’t written anything since the nineties but being immersed in a city with such a strong musical heritage and culture could not fail to be inspirational.” says Frank. “The marketing content of the WU course nicely complemented that of the Lancaster MBA and I applied the strategies therein to bring this new product to market in the most cost-effective way.”


‘White Light 1.0’ is now available to download from iTunes and other channels.