Team win EURO Award

Konstantinos Zografos and Burak Boyaci

27 July 2017

Two LUMS academics have been awarded the Best EJOR Paper (Innovative Applications of OR) award at a recent conference.

Burak Boyaci and Konstantinos Zografos, from the Department of Management Science, together with Nikolas Geroliminis from Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne (EPFL), received the EURO award last week at the IFORS conference in Quebec City for their paper, "An optimization framework for the development of efficient one-way car-sharing systems".

The paper looks at an analytical approach used for strategic and tactical decisions for a vehicle sharing system, taking into account vehicle relocations and charging. The model maximises profit for the operators and benefit for the users, and helps in finding the most efficient station locations and fleet sizes for new or existing one-way car sharing systems.

Burak Boyaci said: “I am very pleased to have this award. EJOR is one of the leading journals in the area of operational research and this award is given for the best paper published about innovative applications in OR. I want to thank the anonymous referees of the paper for their valuable comments and the jury for considering the paper for this award.”