Emotion and experience can provide antidote to fake news

A keyboard showing 'fake news' and 'facts'

Facts are often now treated as ‘fake news’, while ‘alternative facts’ from the likes of President Trump energise and engage the public.

Lancaster University Management School’s Professor David Knights, along with colleague Professor Torkeld Thanem, from the University of Stockholm believe emotion and experience in research are key to combatting the rise of alternative facts.

“If social scientists care about being relevant in the struggle against post-truth politics, we cannot merely rely on quantitative data and raw facts. We also need to do research that connects to, brings to life and fleshes out the struggles of people in everyday life,” they write.

Read their full article here on The Conversation: https://theconversation.com/fake-news-emotions-and-experiences-not-more-data-could-be-the-antidote-123496

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