Our undergraduate courses are perfect for those who have excelled at Mathematics or Statistics at school and are looking for challenging graduate careers.
The Department of Management Science combines Operational Research, Operations and Supply Chain Management, and Information Systems. It is one of the largest departments of its kind in Europe and includes many internationally-leading researchers in all these fields.
The Department has a worldwide reputation and a distinguished history of helping organisations solve real problems and producing graduates with highly relevant, cutting-edge knowledge and skills.
Initially founded in 1964, the first of its type in Europe, the department has grown and evolved since then, spanning several research areas, including Forecasting, Information Systems, Operations Management, Optimisation, Project Management, Simulation and more. Now, the Department takes the lead in three research centres: the Centre for Marketing Analytics and Forecasting, the Centre for Productivity and Efficiency and the Centre for Transport and Logistics (CENTRAL) and contributes to several others, including Pentland, Centre for Technological Futures, Centre for Health Futures and LIRA. The Department also has leadership roles in the EPSRC-funded STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training, the Data Science Institute and NATCOR Mathematical Sciences Taught Course Centre.
This department delivers a range of undergraduate, Master's and PhD courses which will provide you with the logical, mathematical, project management, systems thinking, and information systems and technology skills that are much in demand.
Our undergraduate courses are perfect for those who have excelled at Mathematics or Statistics at school and are looking for challenging graduate careers.
Our flexible Master's programmes are designed for people who wish to work in areas such as business analytics, operational research and more.
Our PhD programme offers students the ideal opportunity to research in depth as a prelude to an academic or consulting career.
Working at the heart of research in management science and operational research (OR).
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The Management Science department runs a series of research seminars with invited academics from universities across the world, as well as training courses, workshops and conferences.
For past events, please visit our events archive.
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