Northern Economics Network Meeting: AI and its Implications for Economics Education

Wednesday 2 October 2024, 12:15pm to 3:40pm


MAN - Mngt School LT19 WPB002 - View Map

Open to

Postgraduates, Staff


Free to attend - registration required

Registration Info

to attend please contact William Tayler to register.

Event Details

Economics Department and SIME will host the latest Northern Economics Network meeting. "AI and its Implications for Economics Education".

Although the network itself is for Economists from Northern Universities, the issue of AI and its implications for teaching and learning apply across departments and the Higher Education sector. Many of you are interested such issues and some have worked on them, so you are all very welcome to join.


Huseyn Guliyev

, Lancaster University

Jerome Santoul

Economics, Lancaster University

Ralf Becker

University of Manchester

Richard Whittle

University of Salford

I am an economist working at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Behavioural Science and Decision Making. I am an expert in the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Universities, sludge, behavioural design and dark patterns. My work focuses on supporting individuals, organisations and regulators in adopting and understanding the impacts of new technology.

Tad Gwiazdowski

University of Leeds

Contact Details

Name Teresa Aldren

Directions to MAN - Mngt School LT19 WPB002

West Pavilion, LUMS