Transport and logistics professor presents at important US meeting

A leading transport and logistics expert from Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) addressed a key meeting of US transport policy-makers, researchers, and administrators in Washington DC.
Distinguished Professor Konstantinos Zografos, Director of the Centre for Transport and Logistics (CENTRAL) in LUMS, presented his work on the OR-MASTER project at the 103rd annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB).
Professor Zografos presented to the Committee on Airfield and Airspace Capacity and Delay. His presentation was entitled Optimization-Based Airport Slot Allocation and Implications for Policy and Practice: The OR-MASTER Project.
OR-MASTER is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The project is led by Lancaster University, in collaboration with the University of Leicester. OR-MASTER develops mathematical models and algorithms to address growing concerns over capacity management at overly congested airports, which impacts both the travelling public and the air transport industry.
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