Opportunity for Lancaster Staff to join Waikato University's LearnFest20: Te Puna Aurei

The Centre for Tertiary Teaching and Learning (CeTTL) at Lancaster's strategic partner, Waikato University, warmly invites Lancaster staff to join them at LearnFest20: Te Puna Aurei, their annual symposium to share ideas related to tertiary teaching and learning. The event will start at 8pm GMT on the 10th November.

The theme: What does Te Puna Aurei mean? Te Puna Aurei is the name for LearnFest conference gifted by Associate Professor Tom Roa. It means a spring of intertwining knowledge. A puna is a spring of water and aurei is concept of threading things together. LearnFest is about threading together people, learning, research and current or emerging pedagogies.

This name also refers to the University's sculpture Aurei by Waikato Alumnus Rangi Kipa. The sculpture sews together the past to the future aspirations. At a deeper level Aurei was inspired by a whakataukī (Māori proverbial saying) from the first Māori king, Kīngi Pōtatau: Kotahi to kohao o te ngira e kuhuna ai te miro mā, te miro pango, te miro whero meaning there is but one eye of the needle which the white thread, black thread and red thread must pass.

Talks will include:

  • Bringing online learning to life
  • Academic integrity in online assessments
  • Engaging lectures for online delivery using moodle
  • Diversity & inclusion: Learnings from Pacific and Indigenous pedagogies and concepts of wellbeing
  • Is Wikipedia OK after all? An innovation in assessment
  • Connection: how can a teacher help students to stay connected?

And many more!

See the full timetable in GMT here.

Face-to-face registrations are now closed. For late registration, please contact Lissa Smith at cettladmin@waikato.ac.nz

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