Latest News
BEAT-ing depression in adults with a learning disability
Lancaster University is among three universities to have won over £1.2m from the National Institute for Health Research to test the effectiveness of a new treatment for depression for people with a learning disability.
Heritage coffee business embraces digital innovation
Tens of thousands of coffee bags at a Lancaster business now carry digital tags so customers can scan the packaging and learn the story behind the product.
The lady with the lamp lights up maths and stats
Florence Nightingale, best remembered for her work as a nurse during the Crimean War, will help shed new light on mathematics and statistics.
High fliers land at Lancaster University
Top students from one of Lancaster University’s academic partners- Sunway University in Malaysia – have been visiting the Lancaster campus.
Documentary on fire in tropical forests
The use of fire by Amazonian farmers is the topic of five videos launched by researchers at the Lancaster Environment Centre.
The sky's the limit for young entrepreneurs
Lancaster University has held its first ever Entrepreneurship Conference with Career Academies UK for Year 12 pupils.
Particle physics pinball for Big Bang science fair
Ever wondered how the scientists at CERN found the Higgs boson?
Opening of £9.8m Centre for Global Eco-Innovation
Entrepreneur and former Science Minister Lord Drayson of Kensington says a new £9.8m Centre for Global Eco-Innovation is at the forefront of a green technological revolution.
History postgraduates to help develop museum
Two PhD graduates in Medieval History are to work with the Norton Priory Trust in Cheshire to research the past lives of people whose remains were excavated on the site.
Lancaster wins China Education Links Award
Lancaster University has been named as the winner of the China Education Links Award.