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- Masters by Research: Koitech Global
- Masters by Research: SDG Changemakers
- Masters by Research: Spiroflow
- Masters by Research: Lina Energy
- LCEI Masters by Research: European Furniture Group
- LCEI Masters by Research: CGA Simulation
- Masters by Research: Community Clothing
- Masters by Research: Oaktec
- Masters by Research: Delkia
- Masters by Research: Enviroo
- Masters by Research: Arden Lea Irrigation
- Masters by Research: Medical Masks
- Masters by Research: Miralis Data
- Masters by Research: Wolfenden Concrete
- Masters by Research: Cellerate
- Masters by Research: Charge My Street
- Masters by Research: Envirofly
- Masters by Research: Open Media
- Masters by Research: Organica (U.K.) Ltd
- Masters by Research: iGrowing Limited
- Masters by Research: Like Technologies & The Electech Innovation Cluster
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- Advice for new international students
- Building my professional experience alongside my studies
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- Careers support at Lancaster
- Catherine's Graduation
- Celebrating Christmas at Lancaster
- Choosing your Second Year Accommodation
- Christmas at Lancaster
- Christmas2020
- Clearing: choosing the right university
- Clearing: how to apply
- Clearing: introduction and basics
- Clearing: my experience
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- Experiencing my first British Christmas
- Favourite places in Lancaster
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- Finding a Part-time Job at Lancaster
- First year reflections
- Five Campus Spots
- From Welcome Week to Graduation
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- Getting outdoors as a Lancaster University student
- How I navigate my finances
- How to Choose a University
- How to have festive fun with your flat
- Inside the Great Hall
- Lancaster Music Festival
- Lancaster on Ice
- Lancaster through the year
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- Lent Term at Lancaster
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- Life in Lockdown
- Living independently for the first time
- Making a home away from home
- Making friends at university
- Making your room a home away from home
- Maria's placement year - applying for a placement
- Maria's placement year - Christmas traditions I'm missing
- Maria's placement year - what is a placement year?
- Meet our 2024 Creators
- Meet our 2025 Creators
- Mental Health Awareness Week
- Mental Health Works
- My 9-5 as a uni student
- My Experience of Welcome Week
- My Favourite Places
- My favourite spots on campus
- My first term at Lancaster
- My first year experience and travelling to Lancaster University
- My placement
- My placement part 2
- My placement part 3
- Our favourite places on campus
- Part Time Work in Lancaster
- Presenting Research at the Undergraduate Research Conference
- Researching universities when you can’t visit
- Roses 2019 - my experience
- Roses 2022
- Settling into Lancaster
- Should I do a Theatre Degree
- Sights, sounds and smells of Lancaster
- Starting Studying at Lancaster
- Staying connected
- Studying at Home
- The big move
- The Play In The Park
- The week before university
- Things to do in Lancaster
- Travelling to China during my studies with Lancaster University
- University packing list
- Welcome Week
- What I wish I knew before starting at Lancaster University
- What to pack for university
- Where to eat in Lancaster
- Why I came to Lancaster
- Why I Chose Lancaster
- Why I chose Lancaster
- Why I Chose Lancaster
- Why I Chose Lancaster as a postgraduate student
- Why I love studying at a campus university
- Why I Moved 223 Miles From Home
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- Digital Content Ambassadors 2021
- Chloe - Employability Means More Than Your Degree
- Aaron - preparing for my future career
- Emma - Preparing for my future
- Aaron - Advice and tips prior to starting your course
- Aaron - my experience of starting at Lancaster
- Aaron - My summer internship experience
- Aaron - What I do when I'm not studying
- Aaron- Studying PPE
- Amy - an interview a fellow postgraduate student
- Amy - Becoming a great job candidate
- Amy - day in the life of a distance learning PG student
- Amy - Online Master's Degree
- Amy - Taking a Master's Degree
- Amy - Ten tips for thriving at Lancaster University
- Amy - why I love Lancaster University
- Amy - writing support at Lancaster University
- Chiedza - free time photo gallery
- Chiedza - Studying Law with Politics
- Chloe - A Beginner’s Guide to Studying English Literature
- Dan - A career in criminology
- Dan - a typical day for a criminology student
- Dan - reflections from my undergraduate criminology course
- Dan Moving from UG to PG
- Dan The role of Colleges in my Uni experience
- Emma - 5 things when I'm not studying
- Emma - a day in the life
- Emma - Advice and tips prior to starting your sociology degree
- Emma - How am I supported throughout my Sociology degree?
- Emma - My experience of being in Pendle College
- Franco Podcast The road to Lancaster
- Holly - Exploring my career options
- Holly - My advice and tips for studying Theatre at Lancaster University
- Holly - my photo gallery
- Holly - my seven favourite activities
- Holly - What it’s like to be a third-year theatre student
- James - behind the scenes on an MA Film student
- James - How I get the most out of my free time
- Justus - From Lancaster to HM Treasury
- Justus - preparing for university
- Nurin - 3 tips for careers
- Nurin - My five favourite ways to spend my leisure time
- Nurin - photo gallery
- Nurin - what to expect from Film, Media and Cultural Studies 2
- Owen - How university made me employable
- Owen - why the History MA is right for me
- Rebecca - Preparing for Academic Life at University
- Rebecca - What I've learned from 4 years of Film Studies
- Sara - And so I'll read a book
- Sara - Every little thing adds up
- Sara - Post-lockdown activities I’ve been enjoying
- Sara - taking a master's
- Sara - Things I wish someone had told me before going to university
- Sonia - figuring out the future
- Sonia - My life as a Linguistics student
- Sonia - photo gallery
- Sonia - Support networks and resources in LAEL
- Tai - the inside story of being a design student
- Digital Content Ambassadors 2021
- Faculty of Health and Medicine (FHM)
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- Health informatics, computing and statistics
- Infectious disease transmission and biology
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- Social and economic inequality in health
- Centre for Ageing Research (C4AR)
- Ageing MSc
- Together an Active Future
- Creative Football summary
- JobCentre Plus summary
- Up and Active summary
- Virtual Mile summary
- Life Course information leaflet
- Evaluation video
- Documents
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- JobCentre Plus key findings
- Active Lifestyle Hub key findings
- Virtual Mile key findings
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- International Observatory on End of Life Care (IOELC)
- Centre for Disability Research (CeDR)
- Centre for Health Inequalities Research (CHIR)
- Centre for Organisational Health and Well-Being (COHWB)
- The Spectrum Centre for Mental Health Research
- Health Economics at Lancaster (HEAL)
- Spectrum
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- Building Ultracool Instruments
- Taking Physics on Tour
- A Future Without Fakes
- Strengthening Sustainability and Justice in the Amazon
- Holding Back the Waters
- More Crop Per Drop
- There is No Planet B
- A Breath of Fresh Air
- Battling with the Invasive Armyworm
- A New Solution for Paint Manufacturing
- Systematically Improving Chemical Risk Assessment
- Recharging the Battery Market
- A New Strategy for Nuclear Decomissioning
- Creating Stress Free and Reliable Electronics
- Engineering Design of Sustainable FRP Composite Structures and Bridges
- Confronting the Realities of Violent Crime
- The New Wave in Risk Evaluation
- A Sea of Change for the Global Oil and Gas Sector
- Giving the World a Fighting Chance
- All Change for the Future
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- Less Sugar for a Sweeter Future
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- Crowberry Consulting Ltd
- Robert Atkinson and Tom Hoyle
- Christopher Hall
- Hayley Cowburn
- James Garner
- Rob Brooks
- Amy Fleming
- Jack Croft
- Joe McNamara
- Callum Wallace
- Catherine Nichol
- Jonathan Longden, MSc by Research in Chemical Engineering
- Laura O'Keefe, BSc Marine Biology
- Samantha Gray, BSc Geography
- Rebecca Burns, PhD Researcher with Isoprime
- Internship Programme vacancies - KEEP
- PEP vacancies - KEEP
- LEC Skills Programme vacancies - KEEP
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- Law School Research Blog Archive
- End of project event and research findings launch
- Freedom of Information Act 2000 as a Research Tool in the Social Sciences
- Does “My Choice” really mean “NHS privatisation”?
- Tax with a capital ‘T’
- ‘Success’ or ‘failure’? The story of academic research leave
- BACL Postgraduate Workshop Recap
- The Politics and Province of the Economic Torts
- Law and Social Transformation: A Story of Success
- Shareholder Power in the 2017 Shareholder Rights Directive
- Competition Policy in Healthcare and the NHS Long-Term Plan
- Reflections on the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act 1983
- The Nature and Enforcement of Choice of Law Agreements
- An Introduction to Law's Complexity
- Prof David Milman reflects upon his latest monograph, The Company Share
- Visiting LU Ghana
- EU health law and policy: Shaping a future research agenda
- Brexit and Climate Change Policy
- How do pharmacists balance professional expectations and personal values?
- Vivisecting veganism
- Musine Kokalari: An Albanian Story
- Rt Hon Sir Ernest Ryder graduation speech
- How should we deal with child sex dolls and robots?
- Combats, the A-Team and a note on sexuality
- Conducting Comparative Law Research
- Brexit and English Choice of Court Agreements
- Worker Status and Uber: understanding when a worker is a worker
- Lord Justice Ryder Law School Lecture
- Kosovo and its highest courts: At the coalface of transitional constitutionalism
- Now you see them now you don't?
- The welfare principle in action
- Conflict Prevention and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Britain has left the EU: Message from the Head of School
- United Nations Meeting of Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems
- Some thoughts on the Philippines/China arbitration
- A right to live at the end of life in the way one would wish or a right to die?
- Tax credits, work incentives and poverty relief
- Part II: Impact of ECtHR Ruling in Maktouf and Damjanovic v Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Impact of the ECtHR Ruling in Maktouf and Damjanovic v Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Why Shouldn’t “Lunatics” Run the “Asylum”
- School of Law students visit our partner campus in Ghana (2015)
- A Stern Warning
- What is proper medical treatment?
- From Scolds to Trolls; Social and Legal Responses to Visible and Audible Women
- Frozen eggs + ‘absence of proven informed consent’
- What Are the Lessons of the Badger Culls for Regulatory Theory?
- Saving the whales: the ICJ judgment in the Whaling in the Antarctic case
- The Crimea Crisis: A Case of Occupation, Annexation, Secession or Autonomy?
- R v Ian Watkins and B and P
- Denial in Bahrain? The Links Between Sickle Cell Disease, Detention and Tear Gas
- Law School Student Blog Archive
- Preparing to work in the Tax Clinic
- UG Dissertations 2019: Developer Liability for Autonomous Vehicles
- UG Dissertations 2019: ‘To be (forgotten) or not to be (forgotten)
- Exchange Chambers Pupillage Forum
- UG Dissertations 2019: ‘The Issue of Sovereignty within the Brexit Debate’
- Alumni blog – Jonathan Adamson, Trainee Solicitor at Allen & Overy LLP.
- UG Dissertations 2019: Intimate Partner Violence and Women’s Offending
- Access to the Professions Scheme – Placement with Cat Smith MP and her team
- Using the LLM as a stepping stone to PhD study: How I came to PhD
- From philosophy to law reform: My student journey
- My Career Journey – Personal Reflections
- Coping with Stress during the Exam Period
- Reflecting on ‘Learning Together’
- My year abroad in Groningen, the Netherlands
- UG Dissertations 2018:It hath made me mad. I say, we will have no more marriages
- UG Dissertations 2018:The Development of Victims' Rights
- UG Dissertations 2018: Business and Human Rights
- UG Dissertations 2018: The Law of Contract and a Change in Circumstance
- UG Dissertations 2018: Underlying functions of the jus cogens concept
- Studying Abroad: An early insight into life in Amsterdam
- UG Dissertations 2018: English land law vs the cultural conceptions of land?
- UG Dissertations 2018: The Rule of Law crisis in Poland
- Studying Abroad at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Career Mentoring Programme: My Experience with Staffordshire Police
- UG Dissertations 2018: Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the ECHR
- My Experience as a Learning Together Student
- A trip to the USA with the Law School
- Visiting the USA: Global Experiences Trip
- USA Global Experiences Trip
- Mooting in the Supreme Court
- Volunteering with the Independent Monitoring Board at Lancaster Prison
- Women Breaking Barriers Network
- Barely Legal Blog Series: Equality in Cohabitation
- New blog series: Barely Legal
- UG Dissertations 2017: Regulating Autonomous Vehicles in the UK
- Life as a Criminology Student
- Seeing things from a different perspective
- UG Dissertations 2017: The Modern Imperfect Obligation Trust within English Law
- To Mars and Beyond: Commercial Asteroid Mining
- Hello from your Law Society President 2017/18
- UG Dissertations 2017: Prohibition of the Use of Force
- UG Dissertations 2017: Rethinking the Law on Trusts of Homes
- UG Dissertations 2017: Transitional Justice
- UG Dissertations 2017: Peer to peer file sharing
- UG Dissertations 2017: Law on sexual relationships and sexual activity
- Reconsidering the Contractual Capacity of Married Women in the Long 18th Century
- UG Dissertations 2016: Witchcraft and the construction of criminality
- What springs to your mind when you hear the words ‘Beauty Pageant’?
- Lord Justice Ryder Judicial Lecture
- UG Dissertations 2016: Balancing discrimination, hate crime and freedom of expre
- Lancaster University Law Society 2016/7
- UG Dissertations 2016: Consent in the Sexual Offences Act 2003
- UG Dissertations 2016: The Lone Father: A Reassessment of the Law on Surrogacy
- Life as a full-time Criminology student and a part-time Special Constable
- UG Dissertations 2016: Universal Basic Income and the ICESCR
- My Time in the Law School
- My Year Abroad Experience in France
- Experiencing Ghana
- Lancaster University Law Society Careers Events 2015/16
- UG Dissertations: The Right to be Forgotten
- UG Dissertations: Counter-terrorism laws
- UG Dissertations: The Equality Act 2010
- School of Law students visit our partner campus in Ghana (2015)
- UG Dissertations: Freedom of Expression: A Game of Shadows?
- UG Dissertations: The Enemy Within?
- A Week in the Life of a Lancaster Law Student
- FBI Agent Jim Fitzgerald, on a mission at Lancaster University
- How does the Lancaster Law School help students with disabilities?
- Law Society Careers Dinner
- Down the rabbit hole of law
- ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’
- I’m a first year but I’m already speaking in Court*
- A student’s perspective on life at Lancaster University Law School
- Forget the wigs and gowns, bring your trainers instead!
- The College System
- The Big Decision: to live on campus or off campus?
- Law School Research Blog Archive
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- Contact Lancaster University Management School
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- Organisation, Work and Technology events
- Organisation, Work and Technology news
- 50 years of Organisation, Work and Technology
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- Master's study in the Management School
- PhD study at the Management School
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- The Lancaster MBA and Executive MBA
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- LUMS research centres
- Centre for Consumption Insights
- Centre for Family Business
- Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
- Centre for Health Futures
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- Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
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- Eco-I North West Mini Catalyst
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- EnginE internships
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- Confronting the Realities of Violent Crime
- The New Wave in Risk Evaluation
- Giving the World a Fighting Chance
- All Change for the Future
- Mathematics for AI in Real-world Systems
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- Sports and Exercise Science
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- Sports and Exercise Science at Lancaster
- Science Communication Day 2023
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- Sports and Exercise Science
- Professional Practice Values and Ethics
- Health, Culture and Society
- Population Health
- Medical Sciences
- First in Family
- Methods Lancaster
- Morecambe Bay Curriculum
- My offer
- Subjects
- Biochemistry
- Biology
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- 60 Seconds with... Professor Adrian Friday
- 60 Seconds with... Professor Jan Bebbington
- 60 Seconds with... Dr Xiao Hua
- 60 Seconds with... Professor Heather Brown
- 60 Seconds with... Dr Dermot O'Reilly
- 60 Seconds with... Dr Catherine Oliver
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