Festival set to spark Climate Change conversations at Lancaster

From urban farming and insulation to plastic pollution and citizen-informed policy, Lancaster University is hosting a ‘COP26 @ Lancaster University Festival’ this October.
A vibrant showcase of talks, interactive events and walks, the festival will provide an insight into some of the world-leading research and innovation taking place at Lancaster while also showcasing some of the University’s own sustainability initiatives.
From 1st - 12th November, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) will be held in Glasgow, bringing together heads of state, climate experts and campaigners to agree coordinated action to tackle climate change.
In the build-up to the UN event, Lancaster University is hosting its own festival packed with talks, events and discussions.
Running from Wednesday 20th October to Wednesday 27th October, the COP26@ Lancaster University Festival connects communities working on climate change areas across the University and opens up conversations with the public.
Schools, students, businesses, researchers and members of the public are invited to get involved in the diverse programme which launches with a public lecture ‘Lancaster University and the climate emergency’ on Tuesday 19th October.
Visitors will have the chance to experience The Pod of the Future by internationally renowned artist, Michael Pinsky which simulates the air pollution of our futures.
They can also visit the Planet Mark zero carbon, electric “Battle Bus” tour which is heading onto campus on Tuesday 12th October to highlight the phenomenal array of actions the business community is taking to address the climate crisis in the run up to COP26.
Home to one of the largest groups of Environmental Scientists in Europe, Lancaster University researchers examine climate change across all subject areas, including those in the co-hosting research centres the Centre for Global Eco-Innovation and the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business.
Drawn from all corners of the University, from medicine to the arts, the COP26@ Lancaster University Festival is tailored to the needs of different audiences and puts Lancaster voices at the heart of the conversation.
A recognised research leader in many fields from climate science to urban design, the University also works on ambitious eco-innovation initiatives with real-world impact at the local and global level and has been nominated for a 2021 Green Gown Award for Research with Impact.
Lancaster University – a proud holder of a Green Flag Award for nearly a decade - declared climate emergency in November 2020 and has made a commitment to accelerate action on climate change by driving down carbon emissions and aims to become carbon neutral by 2035. The university has already, for example, reduced its electricity and heating emissions by 50% since 2005.
Pro-Vice-Chancellor Global (Digital, International, Sustainability and Development) Professor Simon Guy said: “The COP26 at Lancaster Festival will provide an opportunity to bring together Lancaster’s leading voices on climate change issues, all with the aim of connecting people and raising awareness whilst also sparking discussion, debate and collaboration on the greatest challenge facing us all.”
To see the full programme go to COP26@ Lancaster University Festival | Lancaster University
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