Lancaster University lecturers at the forefront of projects tackling internet cybersecurity

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Lancaster University lecturers are to lead projects tackling cybersecurity issues at the edge of the internet.

The PETRAS National Centre of Excellence for IoT Systems Cybersecurity today announced 16 new research projects supporting collaboration and activities in this area.

In collaboration with BBC R&D, the ET project, led by Dr Adrian Gradinar, a lecturer in Smart Home Futures and Dr Michael Stead, a lecturer in Designat Lancaster University, aims to improve the acceptability and adoption of more secure and sustainable IoT devices and systems.

With the number of active IoT devices expected to double in 2020-2025 comes more opportunities for human and machine actors to carry out cyber-attacks on devices and systems, leading to an increase in both the volume of datafication generated and the amount of energy consumed by the IoT.

Looking at developing new policies for transparent and ethical deployment of secure IoT sensors in public spaces, the P-PITEE project, led by Dr Naomi Jacobs, a Lecturer in Design Policy and Futures Thinking at Lancaster University, aims to help local governments who need to account for practical, technical and ethical considerations when using IoT sensors in public spaces and when managing proposals for installation and use by others.

All three lecturers work with ImaginationLancaster, the University’s design-led research laboratory.

Since 2016, PETRAS has been a central point for research institutions and organisations in the public and private domains, culminating in world leading research excellence.

The 16 projects, funded through the PETRAS Opportunities Fund Call, aim to build on that legacy by providing a range of opportunities to strengthen and diversify the outputs and benefits coming out of the Centre.

PETRAS is part of the Securing Digital Technologies at the Periphery (SDTaP) programme funded by UK Research and Innovation’s Strategic Priorities Fund.

PETRAS is a consortium that connects 16 research institutions with outstanding expertise in securing the connected world. They are UCL, Imperial College London, University of Oxford, Lancaster University, University of Warwick, University of Southampton, Newcastle University, University of Nottingham, University of Bristol, Cardiff University, University of Edinburgh and University of Surrey, Coventry University, Northumbria University, Tate and University of Glasgow.

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