Webinar: Future models for internationalization of Higher Education

Professor Simon Guy, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Global at Lancaster University, recently participated in an exciting webinar on “Models for Internationalization of Higher Education: Towards inclusive universities and sustainable communities.” This one-day event was organized by NOVA University Lisbon under the umbrella of Universities Portugal, a consortium that brings together the leading public universities in Portugal.

The event focused on the different models for internationalization of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and the positive impact in the cities and the communities in which these institutions are located. Prominent figures from prestigious HEI and public organisations across Portugal, the UK and other countries contributed to different sessions throughout the day. These sessions navigated thoughtful discussions and topical issues such as ‘Bureaucratic barriers for internationalization of HEI’ and ‘Internationalization of HEI’s anchored on sustainable cities’. Please click here to download the program.

Simon participated in a session that focused on the role of infrastructures in the attractiveness of Higher Education institutions. Other contributors included Professor Peretz Lavie, former President of Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), and Professor Michael Baum, Executive Board Member for the Luso-American Development Foundation.

If you are interested in watching the webinar, you can access the recording here. For questions, please email Gonçalo Mota, goncalo.mota@unl.pt.

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