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News from 2015

  • ABCD team at Davos 230118 (L-R): Jeremy Wilkinson (BAS), Craig Lee (University of Washington), Gail Whiteman (Lancaster University), Bruce Forbes (University of Lapland), Jennifer Francis (Rutgers)

    Leading Arctic scientists gather at Davos

    A team of Arctic scientists – including Professor Gail Whiteman, creator of the Arctic Basecamp and Director of the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business at Lancaster University - are gathering in Davos to highlight climate change in the Arctic and Antarctica. They will also demonstrate the latest scientific advances in measuring environmental damage in two of the world’s most remote and climatically important regions.

  • Sustainability at the crossroads: call for papers

    Call for Papers - Sustainability at the Crossroads: Integrating Technologies, Policies and Strategies for a Sustainable Economy, 17th to 22nd of June 2018, ETH Zurich

  • From pixabay - by StockSnap

    Dec 2017 Publications Newsflash

    Forthcoming & recent publications by Pentland Centre staff. Click on a staff member's name to see their full research and publication profile.

  • Background photo of electronic waste (c) Alison Stowell, overlaid with REPIC logo

    REPIC launches groundbreaking WEEE forecasting project with Lancaster University

    REPIC, the UK’s largest Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) compliance scheme, has launched a new research project with the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business at Lancaster University to suggest possible improvements in forecasting and help shape electronic waste recycling policies in the UK.

  • From pixabay - by StockSnap

    Nov 2017 Publications Newsflash

    Forthcoming & recent publications by Pentland Centre staff. Click on a staff member's name to see their full research and publication profile.

  • Manufacture 2030 and WBCSD logos

    WBCSD partners with Manufacture 2030 to deliver webinars on circular economy

    The Pentland Centre has a keen interest in the Circular Economy, a key research focus for Dr. Alison Stowell and Marta Ferri. We're delighted to pass on the news that WBCSD and Manufacture 2030 are partnering to deliver 3 webinars discussing the role of design, purchasing and manufacturing in developing a circular economy.

  • Gail Whiteman (Centre Director), Alison Stowell (Teaching Liaison), Rodney Irwin (Honorary Teaching Fellow)

    WBCSD Education Innovation Award for LUMS lecturer

    Dr. Alison Stowell (Pentland Centre Teaching Liaison) has received the inaugural award for Education Innovation from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

  • From pixabay - by surhumihail - CC0 Creative Commons licence

    #metoo: implications for sustainability

    Definitions of sustainability vary, but the #metoo campaign reminds all of us that a safe, equitable working environment should be a critical cornerstone of a sustainable company.

  • LUMS students attending WBCSD meeting in Mexico Oct 2017

    Students return from ‘life-changing’ trip to WBCSD Mexico

    “Inspiring” and “mind-opening” were just two of the ways in which students described their recent fieldtrip to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s (WBCSD) Council Meeting in Mexico.

  • Students in Mexico for WBCSD meeting

    A team of ten LUMS students are currently attending the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s (WBCSD) annual meeting in Mexico City.