Lecturer talking to a small group.

Tutorials & 1:1 teaching

Tutorials and 1:1 teaching are often smaller groups and less formal. Software is available to help you schedule sessions and specific features within apps can help students make the most of their time with you. See the tips below on how you can use digital within these smaller meetings.

A wooden fence with a sigh saying This Way.

1. Be inclusive and accessible

When it comes to learning remotely, things aren't always clear for students. Give all students clear guidance about when and how they can access tutorial sessions. This could be hosted on your course's Moodle page. You can also create Teams meetings directly via Moodle in a post or announcement. This could be a great way of making sure all students have access and find the join link from a familiar location. See Tutorial specific accessibility expectations and Scheduling Teams meetings, seminars and other live events using Moodle for further information.

2. Let your students know what's been said

For distance and remote synchronous online teaching, you can use Microsoft Teams' live captioning and transcription features to allow students to better understand what you are saying. It also makes tutorials more accessible for those with audio impairments.

A microphone and a notebook.

Inclusive tutorials in Microsoft Teams Accordion accordion

Large AppleMac computer.

3. Hit the record button

If you're conducting tutorials remotely, you may want to record the session for future use by the student(s). For accessibility you must apply auto-captions to the video once recorded, in Microsoft Teams you could also generate an auto-transcript (a link to the recording will appear in the meeting chat).

4. Keep time zones in mind

If you're teaching remotely, consider your students' time zones - try organising tutorials at convenient times for when you and your students can attend. You can use Microsoft Teams to designate a specific time zone when creating a meeting.

Laptop and mug of coffee on a table.
A woman typing notes on her iPad.

5. Consider using virtual spaces for 1:1s if you're not meeting in-person

Class Notebooks in Teams and Microsoft OneNote are a great way of handling 1:1 sessions. In a Class Notebook, each student gets a private space where only a designated teacher can access the notes and interact with the student. Alternatively, you can also set up private channels in a team to facilitate group working, where only the team owner and named individuals can access the channels.

Learn how to use OneNote Class Notebook in Teams.

6. Schedule 1:1 meetings with LibCal

LibCal is a great tool, used by the University, that allows you to schedule meetings and book 1:1 sessions. You may find this to be useful if you are handling many students. It's the recommended tool for appointments across departments, so your students are likely to be familiar using it.

A man on a 1 to 1 video call.

Scheduling with LibCal Accordion accordion