Alumni and Invited Industry Speakers Talks (SCC.205)

Wednesday 22 March 2023, 10:00am to 11:00am


George Fox Lecture Theatre 1, Lancaster, United Kingdom, LA1 4YW

Open to



Registration not required - just turn up

Event Details

The event has been organised for 2nd year Computing and Communications (SCC) students who are enrolled onto the Social, Ethical and Professional Issues in Computing.

James Garner, CEO and Priscilla Israel, COO Co-Founders of Sticky

Sticky’s mission is to make every physical-digital interaction truly transactional. Whether you want to let people order food and drink in 10 seconds or less, turn anything into a point-of-sale, gamify towns and cities, transform fitness or 10x the number of disabled people in work, the only limit is your imagination.

James is a graduate in Computer Science from Lancaster University. He is the tech founder of Sticky with a focus on digital ethics and the future of physical spaces, bringing 15 years of software engineering expertise from Sony in the US to making millions of ad impressions safe for kids.

In brief:

  • Lead frontend architecture on PlayStation's developer platform "DevNet"
  • 4th engineering hire @ Beamery, now worth over $1bn
  • Engineering Lead @ SuperAwesome, exited to Epic Games (now a Sticky customer)
  • CEO of Sticky: Raised over £2m of venture capital during COVID and early 2022
  • Age still starts with a 2

Pricilla's entrepreneurship was inspired by her time at the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy. She is an innovative founder that's focused on the heart of the business and the commercial results combining her education and work experience in foreign policy, political analysis and corporate cyber security at Fortinet. Priscilla's objective is to enlighten people through technology.

Chirag Gude, AWS Cloud Architects team lead

Chirag Gude is a Delivery Practice Manager at Amazon where he leads a team of AWS Cloud Architects. He began his career in the Royal Bank of Scotland where he trained as a technical architect across domains such as Microservices, Cloud, APIs, and DevOps. His MBA from the University of Cambridge was focussed on Corporate Strategy and he has an engineering degree in Electronic Communication Systems from Lancaster University (2009-2012). Chirag will join us to talk about his journey from SCC to AWS. He will also be sharing his insights on job roles in cloud industry, application process, and interview tips

The event will be hybrid. Lancaster students will be attend the talk in-person and will be joined remotely by students from Sunway University (10am-11am GMT. 6pm-7pm MT)

Contact Details

Name Elisa Rubegni