‘Delusions, ideologies and the madness of crowds’ – a talk by Professor Richard Bentall

Wednesday 26 February 2025, 12:30pm to 1:30pm


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Free to attend - registration required

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Event Details

Richard Bentall, a distinguished professor in Clinical Psychology, will be delivering a talk about his recent research in this area.

Richard Bentall is professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Sheffield. He is well known as a researcher and speaker as well as for his many publications which promote psychological and social understandings of mental health.

Professor Bentall’s recent writing explores the ethical and philosophical challenges associated with the concept of ‘delusional’ belief. You can read more in his chapter of the 2023 Book ‘Decoding Delusions’ (available at Chapter 1. Delusional Beliefs and the Madness of Crowds) in which he discusses the ways in which so-called ‘normal’ beliefs form part of complex systems which can be rigid and resistant to contradiction.

Professor Bentall will be talking to us about ‘Delusions, ideologies and the madness of crowds’.

Contact Details

Name Sarah Heard


Directions to HIO - Health Innovation One A12

Health Innovation One is situated on Sir John Fisher Drive, just of the A6 as you drive out of the city of Lancaster and before you reach the entrance to the main campus of the University.