N8 Machine Learning Community Day, Lancaster University

Monday 11 March 2024, 10:00am to 3:00pm


Digital scholarship Lab (A387), the Library

Open to

Postgraduates, Staff, Undergraduates


Free to attend - registration required

Registration Info


Event Details

A community event for our Lancaster colleagues in Machine Learning to meet, hear talks, and collaborate.

Lancaster University are hosting a meeting to bring together academics who are already using, or are interested in learning more about, Machine Learning in their research. The N8 CIR focusses on three themes which include Digital Health and Digital Humanities alongside Machine Learning so researchers in these fields are encouraged to attend.

All members of the academic research community from any discipline and stage in their research are welcome along with members of the research support community. The meeting will include research presentations from across the community, an introduction to research software engineering and research data management, and a networking lunch for you to meet new colleagues and find new collaboration partners.

Sign up for this event here

Contact Details

Name Julia Carradus
