#Phosphorus350 - A Turning Point in Phosphorus Stewardship

Tuesday 8 October 2019, 6:31pm to Wednesday 9 October 2019, 4:15pm


Lancaster House Hotel, Lancaster, United Kingdom, LA1 4GJ - View Map

Open to

Alumni, External Organisations, Postgraduates, Public, Staff, Undergraduates


Free to attend - registration required

Registration Info

Register at phosphorus350-symposium.eventbrite.co.uk to attend.

Event Details

Exploring its 350-year history, its essential role in food production and impacts on water quality this free symposium will provide a platform to discuss how society can improve phosphorus sustainability. Organised by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, N8 AgriFood and Lancaster University.

The alchemist Hennig Brand accidentally discovered phosphorus 350 years ago, in his unsuccessful quest for the Philosopher’s Stone. Phosphorus has been essential for supporting life on Earth but since its discovery, human society has become increasingly reliant and increasingly wasteful of this finite resource. This symposium will explore different phosphorus stories including its history, its essential role in food production, and impacts on water quality. This event will provide a platform to discuss how society can improve phosphorus sustainability from both environmental and resource perspectives.

Can this be a turning point for phosphorus stewardship?

Keynote Speaker

Professor Jim Elser, University of Montana USA and Director and Founder of the Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance, USA

This event will start on the evening of the 8th October with a public Café Scientifique event “Phosphorus stories: from a quest for the Philosopher's Stone to a sustainable food future” at the Storey Institute in Lancaster City Centre. Join us for complimentary drinks and birthday cake as we share phosphorus stories and debate how society can move towards a sustainable phosphorus future. For catering purposes please confirm your attendance at this part of the event during online registration.


Café Scientifique

Tuesday 8th October 6:30-9 pm)

Symposium Event

Wednesday 9th October starting at 8.45 am at Lancaster House Hotel.


Register at Eventbrite to attend for free.

Hotel rooms are available at the Lancaster House Hotel and on Lancaster University Campus. There is also accommodation in Lancaster city centre, which is a short bus or taxi ride away.


This event is being organised and funded by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, N8 AgriFood and Lancaster University.

Organising committee

  • Professor Phil Haygarth
  • Professor Helen Jarvie
  • Professor Ian Dodd
  • Dr Bryan Spears
  • Dr Shane Rothwell
  • Dr Ali Birkett
  • Dr Rachel Marshall

Contact Details

Name Professor Philip Haygarth


Telephone number

+44 1524 510224

