17 July 2014

If you are looking for a professional career, these new programmes at the Lancaster Environment Centre are designed for you.

Four-year MSci degrees provide a deeper understanding of the subject and an opportunity to undertake a significant research project. Schemes with Professional Experience (Environmental Science and Technology, Ecology and Conservation, Geography) also  include an internship. Some of the MSci schemes are also available with a Study Abroad variant where you spend your second year in a partner university in the USA, Canada or Australasia. Two recent student blogs from the Lancaster Environment Centre highlight amazing study abroad experiences in Oregon and Boulder)

The programmes are:

MSci Environmental Biology (also available with Study Abroad option)

MSci Environmental Science (also available with Study Abroad option)

MSci Earth and Environmental Science (also available with Study Abroad option)

MSci Environmental Science and Technology (Professional Experience)

MSci Ecology and Conservation (Professional Experience)

MSci Geography (Professional Experience)


These four year degrees lead to the qualification of MSci and incorporate master's level teaching in the final year. In years 1-3 they follow the same routes as our standard BSc courses allowing students to opt in or out of the final year. All MSci professional experience programmes include:

  • An internship of up to three months during year 4 in a relevant industry, public sector or charitable organisation, organised by Lancaster Environment Centre's unique Enterprise and Business Partnership team.
  • An optional module on setting up an environmental business in year 2
  • The opportunity to work with a business for their year 3 dissertation

Entrance grades for 2015/16 will be AAA at A level for MSci Environmental Biology and Geography and AAB for Environmental Science, Environmental Science and Technology, Earth and Environmental Science and Ecology and Conservation.