16 July 2018
Dr Alison Stowell, the Pentland Centre’s research lead on ‘Waste and the Circular Economy’, co-hosted a panel at the Circular Economy Symposium at University of Exeter, 17-19th June 2018.

Simon Roberts, 2Degrees Manufacture2030 Senior Analyst, and Dr Birgit Mertens, Johnson & Johnson’s Senior Principal Global Environment Manager, made up the rest of the team. The panel discussion centred on the question ‘to what extent must a whole supply chain collaborate for an end-product to be considered circular’?

Birgit offered insights into the complexity of implementing circular solutions at Johnson & Johnson, Simon showcased 2Degrees Manufacture2030 Bee platform considering the role of technology and trust, and Alison concluded by raising questions regarding the economies of global recycling, reverse supply chain management, people and the afterlives of materials.

The symposium was supported by the Ellen McArthur Foundation, and brought together 42 universities and professionals from 32 countries around the world. For further details see Circular economy disruptions – past, present and future

Alison Stowell delivering presentation at Circular Economy Symposium, Exeter, Jun 18