Fees in subsequent years of study

How are your tuition fees likely to increase if your course lasts for more that one year?

Lancaster University, like other Universities, may increase the fee for your programme in each year after your first year of study.

To give you clarity we set out what those increases will be, usually as a guaranteed maximum percentage increase.

In some cases the fee increase after your first year of study is determined by, or in relation to, an external body. In that case we will tell you what that increase was for the last year and what the average increase was over a period of time, in order that you can make an informed decision about possible future fee increases.

The information below sets out for students commencing study in the year stated, how their fee will change in subsequent years of study. These changes apply to all full-time and part-time, on campus, online and blended programmes.

These changes do not relate to programmes delivered by UA92 and you should refer to the relevant pages of the UA92 website for details. ­­

Fee increases for students starting in 2024

Fee increases for students starting their studies in 2024 accordion