Some of our Ambassadors from 2018-19 have now moved on, but you can still check out their content and find out more about student life at Lancaster.

Our 2018-19 Digital Content Ambassadors

Hi! I'm Abbie, a third-year Film student from Grizedale. I've also taken media and cultural studies as a minor for all three years at uni. I'm into filmmaking, photography, graphic illustration and just about anything else creative! I hope to bring a lighter side of content to our channels and demonstrate the fun we have here at Lancaster!
When I'm not doing arty stuff I enjoy video games, spooky things, and Spider-Man comics! I'm also a really big fan of our Lancaster ducks. You can catch me in Sugar on a Friday night if there’s an especially cheesy music selection or in The Music Room in town during the daytime.
Keep up with me on Instagram @featherarrows
Hi, I'm Annabelle and I'm a third-year Grizedale student studying media and cultural studies. I've travelled from my home in Kent to experience the Northern charm of Lancaster, and currently, live off campus in a student house in the middle of the city.
I absolutely love my course and am especially interested in the way new media is shaping our relationships with ourselves, and others. I'm very passionate about social issues and am a proud intersectional feminist. You can hear more about my thoughts on current affairs and socio-political issues on my Bailrigg FM podcast Just Woke Up with Annie and Tom.
In my spare time, I love to keep fit and de-stress using the University's amazing sports facilities, playing tennis, swimming and (light) weight lifting. I'm also a huge foodie and am constantly experimenting with new, healthy, and sometimes even plant-based dishes with my housemates, our current favourite is sweet potato and butternut squash soup.
In my role of digital content ambassador, I want to share my experience as a Lancaster student through moving image and provide thoughtful advice to prospective students. You'll find me in the library studying hard for my final year, exploring my career opportunities and, spending my days off on adventures to areas outside of Lancaster.
Check out my Instagram @bellebrown and YouTube channel

Getting lost in the Lakes
Exploring the Lake District on a study break
A festive trip to Liverpool
Checking out some art, culture and Christmas magic!

Hello, I'm a first-year studying Economics at Lancaster University Management School (LUMS). I'm also doing a minor in Entrepreneurship this year. I was born and raised in Hyderabad, Pakistan but now I'm settled in the UK and reside in Hertfordshire. This year, I'm living on-campus in Furness College which I am a proud member of.
My reasons for picking Lancaster are infinite; the university offers a beautiful campus environment, top graduate prospects and amazing facilities to name a few. Ultimately, I wanted to come to an institution where I'd feel challenged and where opportunities were endless. On my applicant visit day, I found the students and staff to be super friendly which firmed my decision of coming here.
I'm an active member of societies such as Pakistani, Islamic, Film Production and Investment & Finance with the hope of exploring more. I like to keep busy by working part-time and taking on as many opportunities. I wish to use this platform to help potential students with the prospect of sharing my experiences through digital content. My interests are very broad and include; gaining insight into different careers, networking, filmmaking and exploring new places!
Connect with me on Twitter at @yeahRaz or Instagram at @farazk98
Hey guys! I’m a third-year Film and Sociology student and another proud Grizedalian. Born in Spain, raised in Poland and (according to everyone else) with a Canadian accent of obscure origin, one of my lifelong obsessions has been to tell stories – and joining Lancaster University has given me the opportunity to find and tell more of them than ever. I’ve made a few short films over the past few years, and I’m always doing some writing, photography, graphic design, animation or film editing on the side.
One of my favourite things about Lancaster is the extracurricular part of university life and how it allows you to go beyond your degree – maybe even beyond your career plans –, and that is one of the aspects of my time at Lancaster University that I’m the most excited to share. I’m interested in showcasing campus life and the everyday quirks of the student experience to people who might not get a hint of it before they join the university, so expect a good bit of street-level insight into societies and student life!
Since my faraway days as a freshman I’ve been working with LU Film Production (LUFP), directing, writing and producing both short films and advertisements for companies and other student societies and putting together some amazing content over many cold shoot days and sleepless editing nights. These days you’re likely to find me in print with the SCAN Newspaper and on the radio with Bailrigg FM, and every so often somewhere around the world on my Instagram at @javiorella.

I’m a third-year student at Lancaster studying English Language and Creative Writing and I reside in the one and only County College! Around Lancaster, you’ll find me in the library reading and writing stories, in the gym or in Bowland bar with a pie in front of me. I am a part of the Snowsports society and I love to dance, whether it be in the studio or Sugarhouse on a Friday night.
I work in Lonsdale bar too, so if you’re ever around pop in and say hi! I mainly produce written content such as helpful lists and articles to keep people in the know of the latest and greatest things about Lancaster. I also dip my toe into photo and video work now and then. If you want to see what I’m up to around Lancaster, give my Instagram a follow at @maddyfrost6.
Hi everyone! My name is Paula and I am in my fourth and final year studying Accounting and Finance in Lancaster University Management School (LUMS).
My home country is Latvia, thus from me, you can expect to see some content about the life of international students. Lancaster University has a truly diverse environment and many cultural events so there is something for everyone – for those who don’t want to lose their cultural identity or for those who like to try something new.
Also, I will be sharing my experience as a LUMS student. Not only LUMS provides great education, but also offers great variety of support for your studies and most importantly – career. I managed to get a placement with an impressive international company, mainly because of all the help and connections that LUMS has. The placement year is a very valuable addition to my degree and an experience that I will never forget.
In my free time I enjoy dancing, so I have tried a few of the dancing societies here in LU. I am also an exec in photography society which gives me a great opportunity to combine my hobby with developing some presentation and organising skills.
I joined the digital content ambassadors team to share my experience here in Lancaster mainly through photos, since photography is one of my hobbies. I also intend to develop graphic design skills to make my stories more interesting.
If you want to see what content I create in my free time, follow me on Instagram @paula.robezniece
I'm currently documenting my year at Lancaster in monthly photo galleries.

My name is Raiza and I am a third-year design student. I come from a state in south India called Kerala, but I was brought up in Dubai! It's quite hard to write 300 words about myself so I'm going to give you a chance to assess my personality. Try not to get lost in the middle! Here are things I love: watching movies, filmmaking, painting, Studio Ghibli, musical instruments, live music, Tom Misch and Ben Howard and all musicians, studying space, artists, good speakers, aesthetic interiors and good lighting (warm), people who talk about cool stuff, Remy the rat from Ratatouille, salmon sushi, cute but intelligent dogs, sunflowers, unripe mangoes, raspberries, cameras, Khaled Hosseini, black gel pens, shirts that are way too big for me, strangers that smile at you, long baths, watching people doing what they are most passionate about, erasers for some weird reason, the colour blue, mismatched socks, warm clothes, noodles and rice, lemonade and orange juice, home-videos, pretty books that I start writing in but never finish, new stationery, sunsets and sunrises but mostly sunsets that turn a certain shade of purple, pastel colours, dragonflies and butterflies, cooking with friends, Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh, sleeping, snow, when class gets cancelled due to heavy snow, listening to stories, making people happy, smell of new textbooks, the sun, dark curtains, good lyrics, getting paid, doing well enough in university to make my parents proud, my wonderful family, friends & teachers and this beautiful place I know called Lancaster!
If you made it till here. Thank you! I hope to give you the best content I possibly can.
Follow me on Instagram at @raizasalam and subscribe to my YouTube channel to see some of my other content.
Hi, I’m Roxor and I’m from Vietnam. I’m currently in my second year studying Entrepreneurship and Management.
I’m a sports addict, literally. You will find me almost every day at the gym, but might be too early if you want to have a joint session with me. Elsewhere from the gym, I do swimming, kick-boxing, Muay Thai, football, basketball, hiking, running and diving is still in my bucket list.
I also have a great passion for cinematography and photography. The content I have produced so far are mostly short film projects and YouTube videos, so you know I’m not weird when carrying a giant camera rig around the campus… I'm just doing my job... And my job is to capture the best moments at Lancaster University and share it with the community. Check out my Instagram at @roxorfreak
- See my video: An Autumn Day in Lancaster