Lancaster researchers rank 17th in global top 100

Dr Ben Neimark and Dr Patrick Bigger

Lancaster researchers ranked 17th out of 100 top online research stories that have captured the public’s imagination this year:

The Altmetric Top 100 lists global research which attracted the most attention online via news coverage and social media.

An article in The Conversation (, co-authored by Dr Ben Neimark and Dr Patrick Bigger, from LEC, Dr Oliver Belcher, at Durham University, and sustainability consultant Cara Kennelly, a Lancaster graduate, on the size of the US military’s carbon footprint attracted almost 7,000 tweets and 16 news stories.

This was part of much wider publicity and engagement focusing on the original research ‘Hidden carbon costs of the “everywhere war”: Logistics, geopolitical ecology, and the carbon boot‐print of the US military’, by Oliver Belcher Patrick Bigger Ben Neimark and Cara Kennelly, which was published in June in Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.

This reached a wide audience through social media, traditional news, blogs, and podcasts, attracting almost 17,000 tweets, 183,000 facebook shares, and news stories in five languages. The article is available here .

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