What does Lancaster Access Programme involve?
Lancaster Access Programme offers a range of activities and experiences you can get involved in and allows you to develop your key skills for your academic studies and progressing to Lancaster University in the future.
The activities available vary depending on your year of study allowing you the flexibility to select those that most interest you and to have the opportunity to engage with Lancaster throughout your time on the programme.
Tab Content: Exclusive activities
Access Programme students will be invited to participate in a range of dedicated events:
- Lancaster Access Programme launch event
- Regular Access Programme student panel sessions
- Faculty-related campus events
- Instant access to dedicated resources through online portal
- Dedicated resources on Lancaster University
Tab Content: Workshops
A number of workshops are available online, allowing you to complete them at a time to suit you:
- Revision and Exam Skills
- Budgeting and Student Finance
- Stress Management
- Academic and Research Skills (coming soon)
Tab Content: Residential
Our residential opportunity allow you the chance to stay on our campus with current students and experience life at Lancaster.
The HE Ready Retreat is a short residential for Year 13 students to experience campus life and gain key skills such as cooking and application support
Activities are subject to change due to demand and availability. Information will be provided through the online portal.Tab Content: Application Support
You will receive dedicated support in applying, making decisions and moving to University through:
- Personal statement checking and support
- Lancaster University open day attendance
- Offer Holder Events
- University webinars & seminars
- Faculty and subject taster sessions
- University taster days
Lancaster Access Programme is a general entry programme for most courses at Lancaster, however it does not include any medicine content and the A100 Medicine and Surgery course is not included in the lower offer for taking part.
If you are interested in studying medicine please explore our Access to Medicine scheme which allows you to work towards a guaranteed interview.
As a member of Lancaster Access Programme you will have the opportunity take part in a range of activities offered through your school or college to gain further credits. These vary from campus visits to in school sessions and will be coordinated through your Lancaster Access Programme contact teacher.
Full details of the range of projects and activities we offer can be found on our widening participation webpages.
Lancaster Access Programme provides a fantastic opportunity to take part in a variety of existing experiences alongside your studies and if you successfully complete all aspects of the programme, you will be eligible for a lower offer* should you choose to apply to Lancaster University in the future, or have a current application/offer with us.
Further details of the lower offers will be made available during your time on the programme. Course exemptions and further requirements apply and full details can be found in the LAP Recognition Statement.
We offer in person and online promotion talks to schools and colleges. If you are interested, please contact lap@lancaster.ac.uk and we can try to accommodate.
Want to know more? Get in touch
If you have any questions or would like to know anything more please let us know.
You can get in touch by email on lap@lancaster.ac.uk.