View and download a handy map of Lancaster and Bailrigg Campus to find cycle routes, parking and shower facilities.

The number of people who commute to campus by bicycle is increasing year-on-year and it's easy to see why. With picturesque views along the cycle paths, free cycle parking and many more benefits, around 500 staff and more than 1000 students enjoy cycling to campus as their main mode of travel.
Staff can find out about the staff cycling benefits on offer on the Flexible Benefits Intranet pages.
The country's best haven for cyclists
A recent independent survey named Lancaster as the country's best haven for cyclists. It was also one of the six locations in England to become a Cycling Demonstration Town as part of a national scheme in 2005.
With two signed cycle routes between campus and the city centre, both with traffic-free sections, the journey takes just 20 minutes from the city centre - why travel any other way?

Dr Bike; Keeping you on track
You'll find Dr Bike maintenance and repair services in Alexandra Square every Thursday in term-time. Get expert advice from fully qualified bike mechanics and find a range of cycle accessories for sale such as lights, helmets, pumps, gloves and D-locks to Sold Secure Silver rating. Find out more about Sold Secure and approved locks.
If you don't own a bike but are interested in cycling, the Big Bike Sale is held in the first two weeks of October where you can pick up a reconditioned bike at unbeatable prices.
Cycling to campus
If you're travelling to and from campus by bike, or thinking about cycling as a healthy alternative to other travel modes, take a look at the cycling map below and join our vast community of cyclists via our Cycling Teams Group.
The benefits are clear to see
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Free parking in over 80 locations
Following recent additions, there are over 1500 dedicated bicycle parking spaces across more than 80 locations on campus. Most cycle shelters are open access. Secure shelters are generally managed by the department or college in which they are located and can be accessed by contacting your College Manager or Departmental Officer.

Cycle Parking and Security
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Parking your bike on campus is easy but following these general guidelines will improve your experience.
- Please park at the dedicated bicycle parking stands only.
- Remove any valuable accessories such as lights and panniers when your bike is parked.
- Bike locks can be left unused at bike stands for up to 4 days at a time.
- Bikes should not be stored indoors.
- Bike parking is for regular cyclists so please use your cycle frequently if parked on campus.
- Take care to avoid any cycle trailers or large cycles from causing an obstruction to others.
We aim to provide a safe and secure campus at all times. Unfortunately, unlocked or poorly secured bicycles can be a target for thieves. To enhance the security of your bicycle whilst parked on campus and help deter thieves, please follow our advice on bicycle security:
- Always lock your cycle when leaving it, even if it's only for a few minutes.
- Use a D-shaped bicycle lock that is approved by Sold Secure to Silver rating. These can be purchased from ReStore and Dr Bike, and they are also supplied as part of the Bike Hire scheme. Find out more about Sold Secure and approved locks.
- Use two locks at the same time to double your protection.
- Secure your bicycle lock(s) around the frame and the cycle stand. Secure your wheels to the cycle stand if you can.
- Always properly secure your bicycle even if it is stored in a secure locked cycle store.
Students - all the colleges, apart from Bowland College, have secure cycle stores in locked compounds. Access to college secure cycle stores is available to any student resident on campus in that college. Each college’s Accommodation Team will be able to provide you with details of how to access these facilities.
Staff – we are working hard to improve secure cycle parking facilities for staff. Additional secure cycle stores for staff were added in 2020 and 2021. Some areas/departments have secure cycle stores exclusively for staff use working in those areas. Additional secure cycle stores continue to be added through the estate capital development programme.
View all the dedicated areas for bicycle parking on campus in the Cycling & walking map.

Shower, changing, drying and locker facilities
The locations and room numbers of showering and changing facilities are available on the Campus Cycling Map. Disinfectant and disposable cloths are provided for the user to wipe down the shower afterwards. The facilities are also cleaned daily.
Colleges and some departmental areas have storage lockers which can be used by cyclists.

Bike Repair Stations
A bike repair stand is located in Library Avenue by the external staircase next to the Library Building.
A further bike repair stand is located adjacent to InfoLab21 by the cycle parking at the west side of the building.
The repair stands have a tyre pump with pressure gauge, a variety of basic bike maintenance tools and a stand to secure your bike frame to whilst you undertake that essential maintenance.
Useful Information
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The University occasionally delivers free cycle maintenance and cycle skills training. Details of these will be posted here when available.
A weekly Dr Bike and bike maintenance service operates during each term in Alexandra Square.
The Bike Workshop, located in Bowland Avenue outside the Welcome Centre, is available 24/7 for access to a wide range of tools for DIY bike maintenance and repairs. Access to the Bike Workshop is by signing out the key from Security Reception.
There are also outside bicycle repair stands available by the external staircase in Library Avenue and by the cycle parking at the side of InfoLab21. These include a bicycle pump and a range of bicycle tools complete with a stand to secure your bike whilst you provide that essential maintenance.
On the Lancaster Dynamo website, you can find out about other local bicycle repair services.
Under the UK Road Traffic Act, privately owned electric scooters and electric skateboards are illegal to use on UK highways. This includes public roads, pavements and cycle paths.
The UK Government has now legalised hired electric scooters in certain areas of the country where trials are taking place for their use on public roads and cycle paths. Lancaster is not one of these trial areas.
To maximise road safety and legal compliance, the use of electric scooters and electric skateboards is not permitted on campus. This applies whether on campus roads, cycle paths, footpaths or other pedestrian areas.
We suggest that you consider using a bicycle or an electric bicycle instead.
Save between 25% and 39% on the cost of a new bicycle and cycling accessories via monthly salary deduction. Enrol on the Cycle to Work Scheme through Flexible Benefits. This great staff benefit is now available all year round for purchases totalling up to £2500.
Business Bicycle Mileage Guidelines
- Staff can claim 20p/mile tax-free for journeys undertaken on an employee's own bicycle when the journey is for business purposes.
- This does not apply to commuting journeys to and from work.
Cyclists can use a network of cycle paths across the campus in addition to using the campus roads. These routes are clearly signed and are also indicated on the University Cycling Map.
Other paths on campus are for pedestrians.
Join our network of staff and student cycle commuters via Microsoft Teams and receive the latest updates from the University, share ideas and knowledge and speak with like-minded cyclists. Join the Cycling Group on Teams.
Love to Ride Lancaster University Profile
Staff can sign up to Love to Ride for free, record and track their cycling mileage and activity and compare it with fellow cyclists. Prizes are occasionally on offer too.