Applications for the next round of funding are now open until Sunday 30 June 2024. Any Lancaster District-based trust, community group or voluntary organisation can apply to the fund. To apply, please download and complete the application form. There's some useful information below to help you complete the form and successful applicants will be notified in August 2024.
How to Apply
You'll need to meet our criteria to be able to apply for funding under the Community Benefits Fund. Applications for the next round of funding are now open until Sunday 30 June 2024. Any Lancaster District-based trust, community group or voluntary organisation can apply to the fund. Take a look at the information below to find out how to apply.
Who can apply?
Any Lancaster District based not-for-profit organisation, charity, trust, community group or voluntary organisation can apply to the fund. Projects not supported by any of these types of groups can apply to the fund through their local Parish Council, which can adopt the project and apply in the name of the Parish Council.
Please complete the form as thoroughly as possible, but bear in mind the size of the grant you are applying for. If your project is applying for a small grant from the project (for example less than £1000) a less detailed application may be perfectly acceptable. We will contact you if we require additional information. If you are applying for a major grant from the fund (over £5000) we would anticipate a more detailed application.
How much can I apply for?
The total size of the Community Benefits Fund will be up to £20,000 in each annual funding round. Applicants can apply for funding up to the total annual size of the fund and for up to 100% of the project costs. Applicants should be aware that applications for grant funding received each year typically exceed the total value of the fund. Hence, it is unlikely that all grant applications will be successful. Grants can be awarded for all, or part of the funding requested; alternatively, it may be decided to offer all funding to one project. Applications that can demonstrate their ability to secure match-funding will be considered. All applicants and/or projects are free to apply for funding in subsequent funding years.
Where other sources of funding have been secured or are being applied for, the applicant should provide relevant details in section 5 of the application form.
What's the criteria?
Examples of potential projects types that could apply to the fund are listed below.
- Projects that reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions for community buildings and facilities
- Play and games facilities
- Community gardens, ponds, community open space and woodland
- Footpath, path, bridleway and cycle-path improvements
- Projects that improve public access to land
- Nature reserves and habitat creation or conservation
This list is not exhaustive and each application will be considered on its own merits.
Typically the following types of projects would not be eligible to apply to the fund.
- Core organisational costs
- Building maintenance
- Projects that will benefit an individual
- Retrospective funding
This list is not exhaustive, please telephone 01524 593333 or email if you are unsure as to whether your project would be eligible.