Pay your fees

How and when to pay your tuition fees as a distance learner. Select the options applicable to you.

Stay safe - avoiding phishing attacks and scams

We want all our students to be safe from phishing attacks and scams. So please be aware that Student Finance will never ask students to update their bank details or verify their account or personal details by email. Read our advice on avoiding phishing attacks and scams.


Payment methods

Payments can be made via the University’s Payment Portal.

The following payment methods are available:

  • UK bank transfer
  • Debit or credit card
  • International bank transfer/card/E-wallets

Please see the Payment Portal for further details and advice.


Always use a University approved payment pathway and beware of third parties offering to pay a student’s fees on their behalf at a discounted rate. If you are concerned, please seek the advice of the University via the Student Funding team or ASK. You can also find general advice on scams and financial fraud on the University website.