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Preparing for University Life

Preparing for University

Coming to university can be challenging. Living independently, looking after yourself, and learning how to balance study and socialising can take some getting used to. It is important for you to remember that it might take some time to settle in at University, and we have lots of support available to help with this.

Know what to expect

You might find it useful to engage with our Ready for University Course which will allow you to find out a bit more about what to expect from University, and some of the support available. You will be invited to enrol on this short pre-arrival course when your place is confirmed after results day.

You might want to consider getting some advice from another student once you arrive at Lancaster. The Student Wellbeing Partnership Service and the colleges run Group and peer Mentoring and College Buddy Schemes which allow you to connect with an existing Lancaster student to ask questions about University life.

Disability support

If you have a disability it is important that you let your university know by telling us about your disability. You will need to provide us with supporting information and we may invite you to participate in a Lancaster Support Review to discuss the most appropriate support. Once you have told us, you might benefit from applying for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA).

If you require Personal Care, you must arrange this yourself before you arrive at Lancaster University. If you are a UK student you may be able to arrange this through Social Services. If you have ongoing therapeutic support you will need to transfer this to the local area through your provider. Please ensure you allow adequate time for this to be arranged before your arrival as the university cannot support you with Personal Care.

Many of our students find the transition to managing a condition independently to be very challenging. If you are used to having friends or family members who support you with your condition, you will need to think about how this will change when you come to University. For example, you will need to make your own doctor’s appointments and manage your personal care, including taking and ordering medications. You can register with the on-campus health centre before you arrive.

Life skills

For some students, coming to University may be the first time you are living independently and looking after yourself. Before you arrive at University you should make sure you are confident that you can live independently. Here are some things that may help with this:

  • Learn to cook some basic, nutritional meals. If you really struggle with cooking you might like to consider catered accommodation for your first year.

  • Managing your bank account. This includes budgeting and understanding how your account works (for example, what happens if you become overdrawn).

  • Practising self-care, for example shopping, doing laundry, and exercising.

  • Looking after your mental wellbeing. Find out about how our Student Mental Health Service can support you.

If you require Personal Care, you must arrange this yourself before you arrive at Lancaster University. If you are a UK student you may be able to arrange this through Social Services. Please ensure you allow adequate time for this to be arranged before your arrival as the university cannot support you with Personal Care.

The Student Wellbeing Partnership Service provide pastoral support for students at Lancaster University. They can support you in settling in, making the most of your time at University, and looking after your own wellbeing.

Academic support

Get familiar with the academic support available at Lancaster University

Studying abroad

Look at our information page for advice for students with a disability considering studying abroad

Disability and Inclusive Practice Service, Student Wellbeing Services, University House, Lancaster, LA1 4YW

01524 592111

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