Employment & Recruitment Service

Employment & Recruitment Service

The Employment and Recruitment Service advertise for a range of part-time and temporary positions at Lancaster University and within the local community.

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Working with ERS - A Timeline

We have created a timeline to show each step of your journey of working with the Employment & Recruitment Service.

Our timeline shows you the key steps along the way, together with links to useful resources that are relevant to you, wherever you are on your journey with us.

ERS Worker Timeline

Our Top Tips for finding part-time work

We know that it is a challenging time to look for part-time roles at the moment. We have put together our Top Tips for your job search and are always here to chat though any questions or concerns you have.

How to get a part time job

How to get in touch

We have lots of ways you can contact us if you have any questions:

Tab Content: Phone us

You can call us on 01524 510853 from Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 5:00pm.

Tab Content: Email us

You can email us at recruit@lancaster.ac.uk at any time. We will answer you as soon as possible, usually within five working days.

Tab Content: Visit Us

You can come and visit us in the Student Services Hub, University House! Our Service Desk is open from 10am - 1pm from Monday to Friday

Contact Us

01524 510853 | recruit@lancaster.ac.uk 9:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday Follow us on Facebook | Follow us on Instagram | Follow us on Twitter