Useful Information

Find out about benefits, vouchers and other useful information. 

Opening Times

The Centre is open Monday to Friday.

Morning Sessions commence at 8.45 am and end at 1.00 pm

Afternoon Sessions commence at 1.15 pm ending at 5.30 pm.

Pre-bookable early morning sessions from 8.15am until 8.45am.

Please note there is a requirement to make a booking for a minimum of two sessions per week.

Session Times and Dates

Food and allergy information

Meals and snacks provided at the Centre are included in the fees and aim to encourage a healthy, well balanced diet. The Menus include a variety of foods from the main food groups, providing key nutrients for a growing child.

Supporting healthy eating

Child Sickness

The Pre-School Centre has a written guide for parents/carers of sick children to make an informed decision as to whether their child should attend the Centre.

Sickness Guide

Pre-School Visions

We create environments and deliver teaching and learning that support each child’s individual developmental pathway of progression through all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Our Rich Environment Plans (REP’s) demonstrate the high expectations we have of our children and the Intention, Implementation, and Impact of our planned and in the moment teachings. This effective pedagogy provides numerous opportunities for the acquisition of skills and knowledge with all ages.

Our Visions

Pre-School Policies

Our policies are in place to protect our staff, parents and children across a comprehensive range of topics. From our confidentiality policy to fire evacuation, the policies are detailed documents that regulate the way we operate to ensure the Pre-School environment is safe, professional and fair throughout everything we do. Policies are available in the foyer and can be forwarded on request.

Policy List
  • The Daycare Trust

    Daycare Trust is the UK's national childcare charity, campaigning for quality, accessible, affordable childcare for all, and raising the voices of children, parents and carers. Established in 2013, the trust advises parents and carers, providers, employers, trade unions and policymakers on childcare issues.

  • SEND

    The Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Reforms place a statutory requirement to make information available to parents about how the Pre-School Centre supports children with SEND. Click the link to view the support available from the Pre-School Centre.

  • myHappymind

    The myHappymind programme has been introduced at the Pre-School Centre. It is a programme to promote positive wellbeing for teachers, parents and children. The concepts of the myHappymind programme will form part of our curriculum and ethos throughout the Pre-School Centre. Click the link to find out more and please ask your key person for details regarding the Parent App.

  • Start for Life

    In March 2022 the Better Health Start for Life Introducing Solid Foods campaign was launched. The campaign offers parents support and advice on introducing solid foods to their baby, during what can be a confusing time.