If your tuition fees are being paid via a Student Finance loan, please upload your ‘University or College Payment Advice’ letter during the Registration process.
If you went through clearing or are transferring from another university, you should contact the relevant fees team - ug-tuitionfees@lancaster.ac.uk if you will be an undergraduate, and pg-tuitionfees@lancaster.ac.uk if you will be a postgraduate. This will enable us to ensure your funding assessment is transferred to Lancaster University. Having the wrong university on your assessment can delay your loan and any Lancaster bursaries/scholarships. We will need your Lancaster University ID number and Student Support Number from Student Finance.
Postgraduate students from England or Wales who are paying their tuition fees with a loan from Student Finance will receive a tuition fee invoice after University registration. Once registered, they should contact creditcontrol@lancaster.ac.uk to request their payments are scheduled to fall in line with loan payment dates. Proof of the loan will be required.
Postgraduate taught students from Northern Ireland with a loan from Student Finance will need to provide proof of funding. This can be submitted during Registration and emailed to pg-tuitionfees@lancaster.ac.uk. If you receive an invoice, it means we are not aware of the loan and you should contact the Tuition Fees team. If, when applying for the loan, you can’t find your course, please email pg-tuitionfees@lancaster.ac.uk and they will arrange for the database to be updated.
SAAS, Isle of Man or Channel Island funded students should refer to the ‘Sponsored students’ section for tuition fee guidance.
More information
The Student Finance zone also has some useful tips.
If you are funding your tuition fees yourself, you are expected to pay your fees as follows:
Students starting in October:
- In full by the first day of term 1 (October).
- In two equal instalments due on the first day of term 1 (October) and the first day of term 2 (January).
You can find University term dates online.
Student fee invoices are made available on the Student Portal around the start of term. Students will be sent an email when their invoice is ready to be viewed/printed. Sponsor invoices are issued on paper. Any amounts paid in advance will not be reflected on the invoice.
Students with non-standard start dates:
- Within 15 days of the invoice date.
- In two equal instalments which can be viewed from the Payment Portal facility, as soon as an invoice has been issued.