Preparing for History

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Preparing for History

Our 'Preparing for History' booklet contains recommendations from our historians as well as contributions from current students and recent graduates.

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Additional recommendations

In addition to the recommendations in our 'Preparing for History' booklet, below three of our historians provide additional suggestions to help you get ready to be an undergraduate historian.

Dr Jenni Hyde

Lecturer in Early Modern History

I'm one of the Department’s Tudor specialists. The early modern period saw some major upheavals affect the British Isles. The Tudors had the Reformation. The Stuart period saw civil wars and revolution. I’m really interested in how these serious issues affected the ordinary people who lived through them. I look at the big debates of Tudor and Stuart society through the lens of popular culture, and in particular, ballads – the pop songs of their day. I think it’s a really interesting way to combine top-down and bottom-up research as a way into understanding what people felt about politics.

1517: Reformation

'1517: Reformation' is one of the modules I often teach our first-year undergraduates. In the module we examine how Martin Luther challenged the authority and traditions of the Roman Catholic church with his 95 theses. Did one German friar change the course of European history? Or were his actions symptomatic of much wider grassroots concerns about corruption in the church? We explore the religious debates in sixteenth-century Europe, and challenge ‘great man’ theories of history. What I like about this module is that we do lots of hands-on analysis of primary sources, including ballads and satirical images that were used to spread the Reformation among people who couldn’t read. If you’re interested to find out more about these subjects, you might want to read:

  • Diarmaid MacCulloch, Reformation: Europe’s House Divided, 1490–1700 (London: Penguin, 2004)
  • Richard Rex, The Making of Martin Luther (Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017)
  • Lyndal Roper, Living I Was Your Plague: Martin Luther’s World and Legacy (Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2021)

You might also enjoy looking at some of the primary sources that are available on the National Archives' Reformation webpage, as well as at the digitised copies of early modern ballads that are available via the English Broadside Ballad Archive.

Other modules I have taught include:

  • HIST235: Making Modern Britain, c.1660–1720
  • HIST254: Crisis and Continuity: Politics, Religion and Society in Tudor England
  • HIST340: Fake News or Fact? Ballads and News Culture in Early Modern Britain

Dr Selina Patel Nascimento

Lecturer in the History of the Global South

I am a Lecturer in the History of the Global South and an expert on concubinage and concubines in the Iberian Atlantic World. My research and teaching interests connect slavery, gender, sexual relations, and migratory practices. My current research unearths how enslaved and freed Afro-Brazilian women experienced maritime voyages beyond the Middle Passage as they travelled to Europe, Africa or Asia from Brazil.

'A World Full of Concubines: Sex, Slavery, and Empire in Global Perspective'

My module 'A World Full of Concubines' builds on my research interests by thinking through the various domestic sex/labour arrangements labelled as ‘concubinage’ and how they developed under different empires. On this module, my students consider how sex and slavery were integral to building and consolidating imperial rule. While European overseas expansion and the rise of transatlantic slavery dominate early modern narratives of empire and slavery, this module broadens our perspectives to consider their different concurrent iterations in other parts of the world. We compare the legal, religious, social, labour, and familial implications that concubinage had for women, and we rethink some of the roots of colonial legacies that are hotly debated today, particularly in the context of contemporary social, racial, and sexual inequalities. Taking a global history approach, this module brings together concubinary practices in the Ming (1368–1644) and Qing (1636–1912) dynasties of China, the Ottoman Empire (ca.1300–1922), the Mughal Empire (1526–1857), the Sokoto Caliphate of West Africa (1804–1903) and the Portuguese Empire (1415–1999).

To find out more, why not start with one of these books?

  • Kecia Ali, Marriage and Slavery in Early Islam (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2010)
  • Jung Chang, Empress Dowager Cixi: The Concubine Who Launched Modern China (London: Random House, 2013)
  • Heidi J. Nast, Concubines and Power Five Hundred Years in a Northern Nigerian Palace (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2005)

Other modules I have taught include:

  • HIST105: Histories of Violence: How Imperialism made the Modern World
  • HIST112: Decolonising History
Dr Selina Patel Nascimento

Other resources

There are many other resources to which you might turn.

BBC Radio 4’s In Our Time archive is full of riveting, expert discussions on historical topics, including episodes featuring our very own Dr Sophie Ambler on the Second Barons' War and Professor Sarah Barber on 'Religious Toleration'.

You might also enjoy History Extra's 'Everything you ever wanted to know...' podcast series, including an episode about Prohibition featuring our very own Dr Timothy Hickman.

You might also check out the Historical Association’s 'Transition to university' web page or consult general studies such as Sarah Maza, Thinking about History (Chicago: Chicago UP, 2017).

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