Dr Steve Wright

Associate Lecturer

Research Interests

My work:

I am an expert in the use of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS). I have certifications as a Senior ATLAS.ti trainer, NVivo Trainer and Quirkos trainer. I support research students, teams and a individuals across Lancaster University in choosing and using CAQDAS packages effectively, working as teams and focus on methodological development and integration with new and emerging technologies. I have worked with developers to enhance integration with automated transcriptions and developed and documented novel methods for using data mining and text-analytics in qualitative and mixed-methods research. I have developed a series of workshops on using QDA software (ATLAS.ti and NVivo) for qualitative research which run cross-faculty. I also have an external consultancy.

In my role as Learning Technologist for FHM I develop materials and providing learning technology support to staff and students across the Faculty of Health and Medicine. I work to ensure that the we deliver a quality programme and support for our distance learning programmes through the Moodle VLE and via Teams for synhcronous seminars and events, and to priovide opportunities for peer assessment and class interaction in face-to-face lectures via WebPA and student response systems. I also convene the induction module with a focus on good academic practice. I work closely with academic members of staff in setting up and running their learning activities and modules. I'm also keen to experiment with and assess the potential of new technologies and systems to support learning and research.

Research interests:

My focus is on research methods and technology.

Icompleted my PhD in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning in 2014, making extensive use of ATLAS.ti and creating new methods and techniques for multi-modal conversation analysis., ethnomethodology and actor-network theory.

I am also interested in mobile work, mobile methods and developing theory around the use of technologies in complex, fluid mobile environments and research methods for exploring these. I draw extensively on actor-network theory, ethnomethodology and ethnographic methods.

Previous Work and Research

I have previously worked with the Department of Management Leadership and Learning on the HEIF funded Leadership For Sustainability Learning Network through the Managament Leadership and Learning departmentand the Leadership for Sustainability the Dept Educational Research as Learning Technologist setting up the Doctoral Programme in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning and as learning technologist (maternity cover) for the Dept. Linguistics on their MA in Language Testing (By Distance) and MA in English Language (By Distance) programmes in 2009. I ahve also supported the Networked learning Conference.

I have an MSc in TESOL from the University of Stirling in which I specialised in Computer Applications for Language Learning. I have previously worked for the BBC as an Interactive Course Developer and as a web designer in the UK, South Africa and Australia.

Selected Publications

Eden Vision: Analysis and Insight: An independent review of the evidence gathered during the Autumn 2018 Eden District Council public engagement exercise
Ford, C.J., Wright, S., Convery, I., Smith, D., Heron, G. 06/2019 49 p.
Commissioned report

Exploring actor-network theory and CAQDAS: provisional principles and practices for coding, connecting and describing data using ATLAS.ti
Wright, S.T. 10/08/2016
Conference contribution/Paper

Accounting for taste: conversation, categorisation and certification in the sensory assessment of craft brewing
Wright, S. 07/2014 Lancaster University. 278 p.
Doctoral Thesis

Mobile learning and immutable mobiles: using iPhones to support informal learning in craft brewing
Wright, S., Parchoma, G. 2014 In: The design, experience and practice of networked learning. Springer Verlag p. 241-261. 21 p. ISBN: 9783319019390. Electronic ISBN: 9783319019406.

Supporting creativity in craft brewing: a case study of iPhone use in the transition from novice towards mastery
Wright, S., Parchoma, G., Short, B. 09/2013 In: International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning. 5, 3, p. 52-67. 16 p.
Journal article

Technologies for learning?: an actor-network theory critique of ‘affordances’ in research on mobile learning
Wright, S., Parchoma, G. 11/2011 In: Research in Learning Technology. 19, 3, p. 247-258. 12 p.
Journal article