LUMS staff list
Academic and support staff at Lancaster University Management School
Academic and support staff at Lancaster University Management School
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Centre for Family Business, Pentland Centre
Pentland Centre
Information Systems
Pentland Centre
Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Pentland Centre
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Consumption Insights, Centre for Family Business, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Centre for Technological Futures , Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL)
Networks, Knowledge and Strategy
Economics Research Group, Labour, Education and Health Economics
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Pentland Centre
Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory
Management and Society, Pentland Centre
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Pentland Centre, Supply Chain Management
Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Supply Chain Management
Centre for Technological Futures , Information Systems
Pentland Centre
Pentland Centre
Centre for Consumption Insights
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Political Economy and International Trade
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Corporate Finance and Banking, Pentland Centre
Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , Supply Chain Management
Centre for Technological Futures , Information Systems, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Systems Security)
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Pentland Centre
Energy Lancaster, Pentland Centre
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Corporate Governance and Auditing
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL)
Centre for Science Studies, Centre for Technological Futures , Technology, Systems and Organisation
Centre for Technological Futures
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Corporate Finance and Banking
Economics Research Group, Labour, Education and Health Economics
Centre for Technological Futures , Pentland Centre, Technology, Systems and Organisation
Health Systems, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Health Systems, Lancaster China Management Centre, Networks, Knowledge and Strategy, Technology, Systems and Organisation
Centre for Consumption Insights, Centre for Technological Futures
Centre for Consumption Insights, Pentland Centre
Centre for Consumption Insights, Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Family Business, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory, Political Economy and International Trade
Pentland Centre
Pentland Centre, Supply Chain Management
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Bank Accounting and Regulation
Centre for Technological Futures , Pentland Centre
Centre for Technological Futures , Pentland Centre
Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Consumption Insights, Networks, Knowledge and Strategy
People, Work and Organisation
Pentland Centre
Centre for Technological Futures , Management and Society, People, Work and Organisation
Gulf One Lancaster Centre for Economic Research, International Centre for Research in Accounting
Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Advanced Manufacturing, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Consumption Insights, Networks, Knowledge and Strategy
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Health Systems
Economics Research Group, Labour, Education and Health Economics, Soil Plant and Land Systems
Lancaster China Management Centre
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Centre for Technological Futures , Pentland Centre
Centre for Technological Futures , Management and Society
Pentland Centre
Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, Optimisation
Centre for Consumption Insights, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, DSI - Society, Networks, Knowledge and Strategy, Pentland Centre
Centre for Technological Futures , Pentland Centre
Centre for Family Business, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory, Pentland Centre, TALOS
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Information Systems
CeMoRe - Centre for Mobilities Research, Centre for Technological Futures , DSI - Society, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Sociology)
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Centre for Family Business, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Latin America Research Cluster, Pentland Centre
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Pentland Centre, Supply Chain Management
Centre for Consumption Insights, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Biomedical, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, Management and Society
Centre for Technological Futures , Pentland Centre
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , Supply Chain Management
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Health Systems, Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), DSI - Foundations, Health Systems, Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , Supply Chain Management
Evaluation, Imagination Lancaster, Pentland Centre
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Centre for Technological Futures
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Mathematical Models and Algorithms for Allocating Scarce Airport Resource (OR-MASTER), Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Centre for Technological Futures , Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , Supply Chain Management
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
CeMoRe - Centre for Mobilities Research, Centre for Technological Futures , DEMAND - Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand, People, Work and Organisation
Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Technological Futures , Health Systems, Information Systems, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Advanced Manufacturing, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Systems Security), Simulation and Stochastic Modelling
Centre for Technological Futures , Pentland Centre
Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Pentland Centre
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Corporate Governance and Auditing, Pentland Centre
Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory, Political Economy and International Trade
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Centre for Technological Futures , Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Pentland Centre
Pentland Centre
Pentland Centre
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Corporate Governance and Auditing
Centre for Family Business
Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Systems Security)
Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Corporate Finance and Banking
Centre for Technological Futures , Networks, Knowledge and Strategy
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), DSI - Foundations, Gulf One Lancaster Centre for Economic Research, Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Bank Accounting and Regulation, Financial Reporting
People, Work and Organisation
Centre for Family Business, Pentland Centre
Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Centre for Family Business, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Centre for Family Business
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Financial Reporting, Pentland Centre
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Corporate Finance and Banking
Centre for Family Business
Corporate Governance and Auditing
Management and Society, People, Work and Organisation
Centre for Consumption Insights, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , Pentland Centre, Supply Chain Management
Centre for Consumption Insights
Centre for Technological Futures , Materials Science Institute PhD Student, MSF PhDs Cohort 2 (2019/20)
Health Systems
Networks, Knowledge and Strategy
Management and Society
Pentland Centre
Centre for Health Futures, Information Systems, Security Lancaster (Sociology)
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Centre for Consumption Insights, Management and Society, Networks, Knowledge and Strategy
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Lancaster China Management Centre
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency
Centre for Family Business
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Supply Chain Management
Economics Research Group, Labour, Education and Health Economics
Centre for Technological Futures , DSI - Society, Management and Society, Technology, Systems and Organisation
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Gulf One Lancaster Centre for Economic Research, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Family Business, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Pentland Centre
Centre for Health Futures, DSI - Foundations, Health Systems, Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory
Centre for Consumption Insights
Pentland Centre
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Consumption Insights
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Economics Research Group, Labour, Education and Health Economics
Networks, Knowledge and Strategy
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Critical Geographies, Pentland Centre
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Pentland Centre
Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Systems Security)
Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory, Labour, Education and Health Economics
Centre for Technological Futures
Pentland Centre, People, Work and Organisation
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Optimisation
Centre for Consumption Insights
Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), DSI - Foundations, DSI - Health, Health Systems, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, Optimisation, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Systems Security), STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Consumption Insights
DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Technological Futures , Management and Society
Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Pentland Centre
Centre for Technological Futures , Technology, Systems and Organisation
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Family Business
Pentland Centre
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Centre for Organizational Health and Well Being
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), DSI - Foundations, Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Health Systems, Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory
Centre for Consumption Insights
Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting
Pentland Centre, Supply Chain Management
Centre for Consumption Insights, Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Technological Futures , DSI - Society, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Environmental Modelling, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL)
Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , DSI - Foundations, Optimisation
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Optimisation
Pentland Centre
Management and Society
Pentland Centre
Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory
Economics Research Group, Labour, Education and Health Economics, Political Economy and International Trade
Management and Society
Centre for Family Business
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Economics Research Group, Labour, Education and Health Economics
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL)
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), DSI - Foundations, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Networks, Knowledge and Strategy
Economics Research Group, Labour, Education and Health Economics
Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Pentland Centre
Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Pentland Centre
Centre for Health Futures, Health Equity Network
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Bank Accounting and Regulation, Financial Reporting, International Centre for Research in Accounting
Centre for Consumption Insights
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Pentland Centre, People, Work and Organisation
Centre for Consumption Insights
Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, Pentland Centre
Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Bank Accounting and Regulation, Corporate Finance and Banking, Pentland Centre
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Centre for Technological Futures , Health Systems, Information Systems
Centre for Consumption Insights
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, DSI - Foundations, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Corporate Finance and Banking
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Bank Accounting and Regulation, Financial Reporting, International Centre for Research in Accounting
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Health Futures, Health Equity Network, Management and Society, Pentland Centre
Health Systems, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Corporate Finance and Banking
Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting
Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, Optimisation
Pentland Centre, Supply Chain Management
Pentland Centre
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL)
Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Family Business, Centre for Technological Futures
Centre for Technological Futures , Information Systems
Centre for Consumption Insights, Pentland Centre
Economics Research Group, Political Economy and International Trade
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Centre for Technological Futures , Energy Lancaster, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, Pentland Centre
Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Consumption Insights, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Behavioural Science)
Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, DSI - Foundations, Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory, Pentland Centre
Information Systems
Pentland Centre
Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , Health Systems, Pentland Centre, Supply Chain Management
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Energy and Society, Energy Lancaster, Pentland Centre
Centre for Technological Futures
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Optimisation, Security Lancaster, Security Lancaster (Systems Security), Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory, Labour, Education and Health Economics
Economics Research Group, Political Economy and International Trade
Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Economics Research Group, Labour, Education and Health Economics
Centre for Consumption Insights
Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory, Pentland Centre
Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Economics Research Group, Political Economy and International Trade
People, Work and Organisation
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , Supply Chain Management
Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting
Pentland Centre, People, Work and Organisation
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , Pentland Centre, Supply Chain Management
Centre for Consumption Insights, Centre for Technological Futures , MSF Supervisors 2019/20, Pentland Centre
Centre for Family Business, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting, DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Fundamentals, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Technological Futures , DSI - Health, Health Systems, Information Systems, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, Technology, Systems and Organisation
Centre for Consumption Insights, Energy Lancaster, Institute for Social Futures Fellow, Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Pentland Centre
Networks, Knowledge and Strategy
Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science, Pentland Centre
Optimisation, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling
Pentland Centre
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Consumption Insights, Pentland Centre
Centre for Science Studies, Centre for Technological Futures , MSF Supervisors 2019/20
Centre for Productivity & Efficiency, DSI - Society, Economics Research Group, Gulf One Lancaster Centre for Economic Research, Labour, Education and Health Economics
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Family Business, Pentland Centre
Gulf One Lancaster Centre for Economic Research
Pentland Centre, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Centre for Technological Futures , Pentland Centre
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education
People, Work and Organisation
Centre for Scholarship and Innovation in Management Education, Pentland Centre
Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Technological Futures , Pentland Centre
Centre for Health Futures, Centre for Technological Futures , DSI - Health, Health Systems, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Society and Human Behaviour, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training, Technology, Systems and Organisation
Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Economics Research Group, Industrial Organisation and Economic Theory
Centre for Health Futures, DSI - Health, Health Systems, Simulation and Stochastic Modelling, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Pentland Centre
Accounting, Finance, Governance and Banking, Financial Reporting, Pentland Centre, UCREL - University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language
Centre for Marketing Analytics & Forecasting
Asset Pricing and Financial Econometrics, Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy
Centre for Technological Futures , Information Systems
Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Economics Research Group
Simulation and Stochastic Modelling
Centre for Technological Futures , Information Systems
Centre for Family Business
Centre for Financial Econometrics, Asset Markets and Macroeconomic Policy, Economics Research Group, Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
Centre for Technological Futures
Centre for Transport & Logistics (CENTRAL), Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK , DSI - Foundations, Lancaster Intelligent, Robotic and Autonomous Systems Centre, LIRA - Smart Cities and Mobility, Mathematical Models and Algorithms for Allocating Scarce Airport Resource (OR-MASTER), Optimisation, STOR-i Centre for Doctoral Training