Gerald McQuade
PhD studentResearch Overview
My research interests are in early childhood development and skill formation, the socio-economic impacts of climate and environmental shocks, and the interaction between these two processes in low and middle income contexts. My first chapter focuses on the impact of early life exposure to precipitation shocks on socio-emotional skills measured in adolescent and young adulthood in Peru. Visit my personal academic website.
Current Teaching
ECON 229 - Applied Economics
MASH - ECON 103 Additonal Maths Workshops
C28IN - Intermediate Economics 1: Theory and Techniques (Heriot-Watt University)
Research Grants
1+3 PhD funding from ESRC awarded through SGSSS Student-led Open competition
MSc Economics, 2019-2020 (Scottish Graduate Programme in Economics, University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Dissertation: "Additional Returns of Extending the Schoolday: Estimating Sibling Spillovers Using a Regression Discontinuity Design"
MA Economics, 2015-2019 (Heriot Watt University, UK)
- Dissertation: "The impact of health and psychological well-being on wages considering endogeneity: Evidence from Understanding Society"
- Awards: Watt Club Medal (greatest distinction)